Prescription acne medication can prove to be very effective in treating mild to moderate cases of acne breakouts. Many of these prescription acne medications are specifically effective for the treatment of severe or even severe acne which forms deep beneath the surface of the skin.
They have the ability to clear and destroy bacteria which are a major cause of acne. Some of these antibiotics work by creating an environment in the skin which is unbalanced for acne bacteria to grow. There are several tips and pointers that you should follow when taking this type of prescription medication for Acne Treatment.
– Most prescription acne medication work by drying up the oils which are normally secreted by the sebaceous glands. Overproduction of these oils is a major cause of breakouts. This is why they are usually effective for cases of severe or chronic acne. By drying up these oils, they prevent the pores from becoming clogged and thus allowing the pores to breathe freely and reduce the number of breakouts which you experience.
– You should only take medications prescribed by your dermatologist. Your dermatologist will be able to determine the most effective combination of ingredients which will work best with your skin type and given your personal acne situation. Never try and self-medicate or use any over the counter topical medications without first consulting your doctor. Dermatologists are the best persons who can help you to identify the best medications that suit your individual skin condition.
– Most people who are prescribed topical treatments or oral medications to treat their acne usually experience success within the first few weeks. However, if the breakouts are persistent, or are becoming more frequent, it is important to continue treatment on a regular basis. Consider using additional oral medications along with topical treatments in order to get quicker results. In some cases, combining acne treatment methods can also be quite helpful.
– If you are having moderate to severe dry skin and acne outbreaks, you may want to consider a gel based treatment. There are several gels that you can choose from such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, resorcinol and sulfur. Generally, these gels are applied once or twice daily on the affected areas, left on overnight and then washed off in the morning with warm water. Some side effects include redness, burning and itching at the site of application and some patients notice an increase in the size of the pores as a result of the topical acne treatments.
– Another form of prescription acne medications include those which control sebum production. These medications include both systemic and topical formulations which contain either inhibitors of sebaceous glands or antibiotics.
Usually, these medications are prescribed to women who have hormonal imbalances which can lead to hormonal acne. If your hormone level is low, you should see your doctor in order to determine the best treatment plan for you.