They say the key to long-term weight loss lies in the kitchen. As diverse as the food culture has become in the US, it’s also opened the doors to higher instances of obesity and heart disease. The other bit of good news is that nowadays, people are becoming more mindful of the food they consume. We’ve become more concerned with how organic, how ethical, and how healthy our meals and snacks are.
Key Factors in Choosing the Right Diet Plan
Here’s an insider tip. Most weight loss coaches agree that any diet plan is suitable for most people. What does this mean? It means that you shouldn’t overthink your preferred diet plan. What’s more important is that you can fit it into your lifestyle and that you remain consistent.
Which Diet Plan Should I Choose?
While taking on any diet plan will guarantee weight loss (how much would depend on you and your current weight), indeed, they’re not all created equal.
- Paleo Diet
The paleo diet is primarily a meat-based, “Stone Age” diet. When you do the paleo diet, you are only allowed to eat meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and eggs. Some oils can also be used in food preparation. Processed sugar is not allowed; neither are whole grains and dairy products.
Pros: A comprehensive study done a few years back found that it is especially beneficial for post-menopausal women, particularly in whittling down their waist size. Because of the lack of processed food, people on the paleo diet also consumed up to 900 fewer calories per day yet remained energized.
Cons: Dairy and whole grains can also be beneficial to one’s body. Eliminating it means you don’t get the nutritional values given by these types of food.
- The Vegan Diet
Veganism (as the name suggests) urges practitioners to take on an entirely plant-based diet. It eliminates all forms of meat and meat derivatives, including dairy, eggs, and honey. As a lifestyle, it is also rooted in social issues, as many believe eating animals and animal by-products is inhumane.
Pros: Veganism’s main attraction is that it’s a diet rich in fiber. Eating meals on a vegan diet also means you don’t have to count portions or calories, and still reap its consistently high rate of weight loss.
Cons: The lack of meat products in your diet means that you will have to find ways to compensate for specific vitamins and minerals that you can only get from beef, pork, fish, and chicken.
- Low-Carb Diets
These are the most common diets people undertake. Like the paleo diet, its primary driver is the elimination (or moderation) of processed foods, particularly items like pastries, white bread, and white rice. Unlike the paleo diet, however, it allows you to consume unlimited amounts of fat. And while there are several types that you could choose from (Atkins, Mediterranean, Keto), most require that you limit your carb intake to a maximum of 150 grams a day.
Pros: These diets have been incredibly helpful to overweight or obese people. If it’s belly fat you are trying to eliminate, this is also the best diet plan for you. When done right, low-carb diets are also shown to make you feel less hungry during the day. Thus, eliminating cravings.
Cons: This type of diet is what’s suitable for the majority of people. In some rare cases, people develop a form of non-diabetic ketoacidosis. Other people claim to be miserable or depressed on this diet. However, out of all the diets out there, low-carb diets remain the most popular and the easiest to adapt.
With this information in mind, you will have a better idea of what plan you should choose. This way, you can make a supported and well-informed decision.
Meta title: Making a Decision: Which Diet Plan Should You Choose?
Meta description: With all the diet plans out in the market today, it might be challenging to pick which is right for you. Learn more about the three most popular ones.