The public transportation system adheres to a tight timetable. Be careful to verify when buses or trains depart and arrive on time at the departure location. Seats on public transportation are specifically designated for the elderly, persons with impairments, and pregnant women. A unique sticker identifies these. You are not permitted to smoke in public transportation. Bringing pets, such as dogs, is subject to particular regulations, such as the general obligation to keep the dog on a leash and enable him to have a mouth muzzle.
Railway Transport in Austria
The two primary businesses that provide public train transportation are:
National railway company ÖBB (Österreichische Bundesbahnen).
The first private train company in Austria is Westbahn.
In several European nations, one central (state-owned) railway company has traditionally been in control of (nearly) all train services.
Austrian Federal Railways, or ÖsterreichischeBundesbahnen (ÖBB), is a significant business in Austria in charge of all railway-related functions (construction, engineering, train stations, passenger trains, freight train, etc.).
International local trains (in collaboration with some other national companies), international long-distance trains (in collaboration with overseas companies), domestic long-distance trains, local trains, nostalgia trains, and cargo trains are all operated by ÖBB. Because the European Commission agreed (on account of the member nations) to expose the railway industry to private businesses to stimulate competition, private organizations can now run trains in Austria on the existing railway network.
And, as a result of the privatization, Austria now has a new privately managed railway operator, WESTBAHN, which runs trains between Vienna and Salzburg (competing with BB). More information on WESTBAHN may be found below.
AURIS- ÖBB Auskunft
After the satisfactory test run on the Kufstein-Brenner route, AURIS – an automated passenger information system – will be implemented across the system. AURIS identifies train activities autonomously and presents all essential train data to passengers on platform screens and monitors and via loudspeakers on the platform. The system delivers the most up-to-date, correct data in a clear auditory and visual form, on time, and uniform layout.
AURIS has the following operations: the system instantly produces updates, even in unmanned operational stations; system data on functional discrepancies, data on platform change delays; automatic display and announcement of trains governed by operational process data (arriving, departing, moving trains); AURIS appropriately identifies train stop and departure movements at the platform. Connections are immediately and promptly notified, and display erasure is done in a time-efficient manner.
AURIS works most of the time autonomously and does not need any user intervention. A central database reflecting all essential functional activities is required as a precondition. Employees’ responsibilities involve entering and managing new ÖBB Auskunft, integrating operational abnormalities that are not autonomously made accessible, and controlling automatically produced announcements.
The Info Manager’s job is to keep an eye on the ÖBB Auskunft processed and act if needed. The technical implementation needs of the routes’ equipment with computer-aided train control, network connectivity, and gadgets for variable passenger data (loudspeakers, train destination displays, monitors).